Seed and Farm Internships
with Meadowlark Hearth Farm through the Living Environment Foundation
Location of internship: Meadowlark Hearth Farm DBA Richard Everett Farm LLC, 120024 Everett Drive Scottsbluff, NE 69361, 308-631-5877
Positions Open:
Biodynamic VEGETABLE SEED Internship
With a Whole Farm Approach
2019 Spring through December*
*(Applicants considered throughout the year if there are openings)
Focal points of MHLEF experience: Organic and Biodynamic farming on 500 plus acres. We are NOP organic and Demeter Biodynamic® certified. We do intensive horticultural production on 4 acres with a focus on vegetable seed production integrated into a CSA/Market vegetable garden. Activities include field preparation, cultivation growing, harvesting, threshing, cleaning, and packing seed for sale, and selling vegetables at a local farmer’s market. We have a grass fed micro dairy with intensive grazing for small herd of Ayrshire/Shorthorn/Jersey cows for the farm’s fertility. Included in the internship is learning about the dairy and grazing. We do a weekly study together of various Biodynamic farm and garden literature or field trip.
2019 Autumn Seed Internship
September through December
Three to Four month internship: September-December: Harvesting in September, cleaning and testing and learning about seed distribution throughout September-December. While you will learn much more of the context of seed if you come in the early spring, we offer the autumn internship for experienced farmers or gardeners.
We have Special interest in agriculturalists with Biodynamic training or background. Opportunities for training to take on the continued distribution of MH BD seed.

For questions or more information: Interested applicants please send short bio, resume, reasons for your interest and goals regarding agriculture to and call to let us know that you have sent it. 308-631-5877.
Previous experience of Farmers/Instructors: Beth and Nathan Corymb, biodynamic and organic farmers for over 30 years each trained in vegetable seed production, experienced in intentional communities and founders of Turtle Tree Biodynamic Seed Initiative.